Parish Nursing

"Kindness is a language that we all understand.
Even the Blind can see it and the Deaf can hear it."
--- Mother Theresa

The word “Parish” comes from a Greek word which means “to walk with.”
The word “Nurse” comes from a root word which means “to nourish the soul.”

Parish nursing is a unique, specialized practice of professional nursing that focuses on the promotion of health within the context of the values, beliefs, and practices of a faith community.

Roles of the Parish Nurse include but are not limited to:

  • Health Educator
  • Communication link and support – for those who need referrals for other services
  • Health advocate – classes on maintaining health and weight loss
  • Facilitator of pastoral care and comfort – integrator of faith and health

~Diane Reynolds, Ed. D, RN, OCN, CNE
National Association of Catholic Nurses USA – Annual Meeting, March 2013.

Mission Statement

Parish Nursing is the intentional integration of the practice of faith with the practice of nursing so that people can achieve wholeness in, with and through the community of faith in which parish nurses serve (The fourteenth Annual Westberg Parish Nurse Symposium 2000).

The concept of parish nursing is relatively new, but the role of parish nurse is deeply rooted in the Catholic Church’s healing tradition. Not only does the parish nurse often provide under represented individuals with a valuable link to health care but acting of his or her own faith the parish nurse becomes a healing hand of the Church. The Parish nurse always includes a focus on the spiritual dimension of health, often utilizing prayer, support groups and sacraments to promote healing. The parish nurse is an advocate, an intercessor, and a representative of God’s healing love.


HM FairHealth Advocate

Educator on health issues

Advocate and Resource Person

Liaison to faith and community Resources

Teacher of volunteers and developer of support groups

Healer of body, mind, spirit and community

(Source: Canadian Association for Parish Nurse Ministry 2005)



* Archdiocesan Parish Nurse Meeting
* Archidiocesan Annual Parish Nurse/Health Ministry Retreat
* CPR & AED Training for Ushers and Liturgical Ministers
* Safe Sitter
* Health Ministry Speaker Series

For information about Parish Nursing, please contact Joni LeBeau RN, Coordinator,
at (317) 236-1475 or







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