January 19, 2024

My Journey to God

Light in the Dark

God wants only what is best for us
Yet He will always let us choose

When I make myself a slave to the world
I am blinded to what I will lose

We are not slaves when we call God friend
He wills that death bring our resurrection

While the world and its demanding ways
Dictate our time and unrealistic perfection

When the world is your master
There will be so many destructive things

But, when we choose to follow God
Walking through harm all goodness He brings

People cannot give us what we need
There are no laws that can fix our heart

It is only by God’s goodness and mercy
That we can search for light in the dark

God wants only what is best for us
Yet He will always let us choose

When I make myself a slave to the world
I am blinded to what I will lose

By Gayle Schrank

(Gayle Schank is a member of St. Mary Parish in Navilleton.)

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