April 17, 2020

My Journey to God

You Never Left Me

When I chose to ignore your calling, and direction for my life
You Never Left Me

When I purposefully chose the world, and all its empty promises
You Never Left Me

When I felt as though you had abandoned me, and that you couldn’t be trusted
You Never Left Me

When I wrongly blamed you for all the struggles, and the trials throughout my life
You Never Left Me

When through my thoughts and actions, I placed myself over others
You Never Left Me

When I allowed my mind to wander through sinful pleasures
You Never Left Me

When I didn’t believe you would provide for me or my family
You Never Left Me

When I failed to trust you with my finances, and the blessings you had given me
You Never Left Me

When I looked for meaning and fulfillment in life, outside of you
You Never Left Me

As I look back over the days I have lived, I can now clearly see
You Never Left Me

Going forward with each remaining day, Jesus help me to always remember
You Never Left Me, and You Never Will!

By Greg Hublar

(Greg Hublar is a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in New Albany.)

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