June 30, 2017

My Journey to God

We Encounter You, Christ Jesus

(This hymn can be sung to the tune used for “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence.”)

We encounter You, Christ Jesus
Living in our midst this day.
Present in Your Church to teach us,
Present as before You we pray.
When we teach the Faith You give us
Your command we humbly obey.

When we do the work of worship
And we see conversion progress
We enjoy a deeper communion.
Jesus we adore and bless.
In His name we teach the nations.
And our Faith we gladly profess.

Sharing faith to build God’s kingdom
He is love, by love we are bound.
Solidarity with neighbor
Echoing a peace profound.
So we teach today and always.
Let the Spirit’s voice resound!

By Ken Ogorek

(Ken Ogorek is a member of St. Pius X Parish in Indianapolis and is director of catechesis for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.)

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