September 12, 2014

My Journey to God


Beautiful is the season of autumn
With colors of scarlet and gold and plum.
Dancingly the leaves fall,
Descending with peace over all.

In September the magic begins
As an orchestra with soft violins.
Gradually the season makes its debut,
All foliage obeying God’s plan anew.

October! Brilliant, alive and dazzling!
To the warmth of this month we cling.
Our tasks are accompanied with a melancholy hum
As we prepare for bleaker days to come.

November’s hearth is now aglow,
And the chill in the air promises snow.
Our Thanksgiving blessing we renew
As to this season we bid adieu.

By Jená Hartman

(Jená Hartman is a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Indianapolis and coordinator for the archdiocese’s Birthline program.)

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