December 17, 2010

Christmas memories

Christ’s gift of a moment of peace helps woman experience joy and love during Advent season

By Natalie Hoefer (Special to The Criterion)

I had reached a spiritual low. Caught up in “doing,” I lost touch with God’s will.

Things finally imploded, and I found myself at adoration before the Blessed Sacrament with nothing to do but turn to God for guidance and direction.

Was I chastised for letting my relationship with God weaken? Of course not!

In my mind, I heard Christ say, “I’m so glad you’re here! Now I can finally give you the love and guidance that you’ve been needing!”

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament then gave me a gift of grace—a sense of peace and calm.

I sighed with relief and closed my eyes, and an image played itself out in my mind.

I was on a beach with nothing to do but relax, enjoy the warmth of the sun, the gentle and refreshing breeze, the play of the waves.

I realized exactly what each of these elements represented to me—the beach was Christ’s peace, the waves were his mercy, the breeze was the Holy Spirit and the warmth was the unfathomable love that Christ has for me.

What bliss to just sit there and revel in accepting his gift of peace, mercy, Spirit and love!

Will the feeling last? Sadly, no—I’m human. But the gift of a spiritual beach vacation that Christ gave me while I prayed in his holy presence at adoration was a treasured moment of grace that, if I’m wise, I’ll turn back to when I find I have placed my shivering self on an iceberg far from God’s love.

I share this image in the hope that other people who are feeling overwhelmed can take a few minutes to revel in the joy and warmth of Christ’s peace, mercy, Spirit and love.

(Natalie Hoefer is a member of St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis.)

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