Pastoral Care for Inmates
The Office of Corrections Ministry coordinates sacramental pastoral care for Catholics who are incarcerated in the prisons and jails within the boundaries of the Archdiocese. The numbers are significant - it's a safe estimate that at any given time between 10,000-12,000 people are in prison/jail in the Archdiocese.
Below is a listing of the prison facilities we serve, Catholic points of contact, general information about programs, and federal and IN Department of Corrections map to provide general location of the facilities. While every attempt is made to keep the program information current, changes occur on a regular basis. To find additional details about the facilities, go to
Volunteers: are always welcomed! Please work with the Catholic point of contact, and be aware that there is an application/security process that takes approximately 30 days.
There is also a significant need for volunteers in the nearly 50 local county jails.
Branchville (#7 on map)
21390 Old State Road 37, Branchville, IN 47514
Phone Number:(812) 843-5921
Warden: Kathy Alvey
Medium Security Average population: 1,460
Brian Janiga is the Volunteer Coordinator for the Facility. (
Point of Contact: Br. Zachary Wilberding, OSB –
Office 812-357-6803
Sunday Mass at 4:00pm
Monday afternoons: Rosary Making and Praying
Monday evening: Little Rock Bible Study
Wednesday afternoons – “Fully Man” a program run by seminarians on the Virtues of Manhood
Friday evenings – Catholic Faith Information and Formation- (RCIA)
Edinburgh Correctional Facility (#2 on map)
Address: PO box 470, 23rd and Schoolhouse Road, Edinburgh 46124
Warden: Fran Osburn Minimum Security
Point of Contact: Deacon Russ Woodard
Indiana Women’s Prison (#17 on map)
Address: 2596 Girls School Road, Indianapolis 46214
Maximum security facility. Average population = 600
Point of Contact: Deacon Dan Collier
About ten regular volunteers
Programs: They meet Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m., as well as Sunday evening liturgy at 6:30 p.m. We also host an ice cream social for the entire prison once a year. Hosted a Saturday retreat attended by 50 inmates in August, 2017.
Address: 800 Bus Stop Drive, Madison 47250
Women’s Facility. Minimum Security. Average daily population = 550
Warden: Jan Davis
Point of Contact: Connie Rhoten
About five other active volunteers
About two ministries offered at the DOC in Madison. Communion services are offered to the adult offenders each Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:00 p.m.
Another group of volunteers offers services to the youth offenders.
New Castle (#9 on map)
Address: 1000 Van Nuys Road, PO Box E, New Castle 47362
Average population = 3,150
Point of Contact: Deacon Wayne Davis
We have approximately 10 lay volunteers
Catholic Services:
Every Tuesday evening
- 6-7pm is adult education-formation
- 7-8:30pm are prayers and Communion Service based on the previous Sunday.
First Tuesday of the month Fr John Hall hears confessions and celebrates Mass.
Holy Communion is taken to those in the mental unit and those in maximum security periodically, on a monthly basis. This requires going cell to cell with a guard so it is more labor intense for the facility.
Plainfield Correctional Institution & Heritage Trails (#6 & 10 on map)
Address: 727 Moon Road, Plainfield, IN 46168
Medium Security Average population: 1,650
Superintendent:Stan Knight
About 10 regular Volunteers:(see below)
Programs: see below
Point of contact: Karen Burkhardt
Heritage Trails (#6 on map)
Address: 501 West Main Street, Plainfield, Indiana 46168
WardenDonald Emerson (This facility is managed and operated by the GEO Group)
Point of Contact: Karen Burkhardt
Programs - Plainfield Correctional and Heritage Trails:
Regular communion service. Also conduct Bible study, meditations, audio reflections, adoration, retreats, Way of the Cross, rosary, feast day celebrations, Ash Wednesday service, Baptisms… We try to provide various options for the men including some bilingual services. We go to Heritage Trails each Thursday and the Plainfield Correctional Institution every Saturday. We bring food on occasion for celebrations.
Putnamville Correctional Facility (#11 on map)
Address: 1946 West U.S. Hwy 40 , Greencastle, IN 46135
Medium Security Average population: 2,000
Warden: Brian Smith
Point of Contact: Teresa Batto Email:
Phone: 765-653-7411
Wednesdays:Liturgy of the Word & Communion service (most Wednesdays from 12:50-2:50)
Mass and Reconciliation (once a month with Fr. John Hollowell)
Centering Prayer (Wednesdays from 4:30 - 5:30)
Saturdays: Latino service (first & third Saturday from 12:50-2:50)
Bible features (other Saturdays from 12:50-2:50) Goal for 2017.
Liturgical Bible study (every Saturday from 4:00-5:30)
Catholic Information (RCIA) Saturdays from 6:30-8:30
Other programs:
a) Monthly Memorial service for those who have lost loved ones: a team of 4 ecumenical volunteers
b) Christmas play – open to all inmates. 3 to 4 performances in December--practice begins in Oct.
About ten regular Volunteers
Rockville Women's Correctional Prison (#12 on map)
Address: 811 50 North, Rockville, IN 47872
Medium Security Average population = 1,200
Warden: Julie Stout
Point of Contact: Sister Dorothy Rasche
About ten regular volunteers
Programs: Two volunteers meet every week on Friday
Service is from 7:00 - 8:30
Mass once a month
Centering Prayer once a month
Bible Study Twice a month
Twice a year Retreat week-end Starting on Friday and ending at 3:30 on Saturday in the Chapel (no sleep-over)
US Penitentiary at Terre Haute
Terre Haute is a high-security prison complex consisting of a maximum-security penitentiary, a medium-security federal correctional institute (FCI Terre Haute), and a low-security Camp. The Camp houses about 300 and there are approximately 900 inmates at the FCI. The US Penitentiary is a maximum-security facility which a population of 1,377 inmates, including federal death row inmates.
Address: 4200 Bureau Road North (FCI) and 4700 Bureau Road South (Penitentiary)
Point of Contact: Deacon Steve Gretencord:

Map courtesy of Indiana Department of Corrections