Strategic Planning

PathIn the same way that a catechist should want to get better each year at what she or he does, we want our parish catechetical programs to improve—year in and year out—their ability to reach God’s people with authentic and effective catechesis, all by God's grace.  The process we recommend for annual improvement/strategic planning for parish catechetical programs is called "Choosing Paths on the Journey" and is contained in a document by the same name.  To download the document "Choosing Paths on the Journey," click on the link below:

Choosing Paths on the Journey

While "Choosing Paths on the Journey" is straightforward enough for parish Faith Formation Commissions to use with guidance from their administrator of parish religious education, assistance from our archdiocesan Office of Catholic Education is readily available.  Please contact Ken Ogorek, Director of Catechesis for information and/or assistance regarding annual improvement of parish catechetical programs.


For more information, please contact:

Ken Ogorek
Executive Director of Evenglizing Catechesis
Archdiocese of Indianapolis
1400 N. Meridian
Indianapolis, IN  46202
(317) 236-1446 or (800) 382-9836 ext. 1446

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