The Office of Stewardship and Development is pleased to be a partner and resource for parishes, agencies and schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. We facilitate the processing of many gift types.
Gifts of securities – Donating stock and mutual funds are completed through three easy steps: initiate the transfer with your broker, notify the archdiocese about the transfer and finally confirm your transfer with your broker. Complete details are available online.
IRA Charitable Qualified Distributions – To make a parish, school or ministry of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis the beneficiary of your IRA Charitable Rollover Please notify us by completing the form available online.
IQE Tax Credit Program – Your gift to the Indiana State Tax Credit Scholarship Program benefits the students and families in the 68 Archdiocesan elementary and high schools throughout central and southern Indiana who seek a quality Catholic education. Take advantage of a 50% state tax credit by transforming the life of a deserving student. Learn more at the Institute for Quality Education website or contact Valerie Bendel at vbendel@archindy.org. Please note, if you are interested in making a gift of stock to this program, our office cannot assist with this transfer as it must be processed by the Institute for Quality Education. More information on their process is available on the IQE website.
Legacy Giving – The Catholic Community Foundation offers a wide variety of options for legacy giving. Some allow you to make the gift immediately, some provide you and your family income for a period of time before the account transfers to the beneficiary and others become active when your estate is settled. More information about Legacy Giving is available at www.archindy.org/CCF.
United Catholic Appeal Contributions – Contributions to the United Catholic Appeal can be made online or by returning your pledge card through the mail. All gifts made online or USPS envelopes postmarked December 31 or before will be processed and acknowledged as gifts during the 2021 calendar year.
Specific Ministry Appeals and Outright Gifts – If you are looking to make a check or credit card payment to a specific parish or school, we recommend that you contact them. Agency resources can be found at www.archindy.org by selecting the “Support Our Ministries” dropdown box which is the just to the right of the scrolling photos. All gifts made online or USPS envelopes postmarked December 31 or before will be processed and acknowledged as gifts during the 2021 calendar year.