January 24, 2025

Joyful Witness / Kimberly Pohovey

God redirects us on our life journey for our protection if we listen

Kimberly PohoveyHave you ever had the experience of hearing the same Scripture over and over throughout your life, but you suddenly hear something new in the story?

On Jan. 5, when we observed the feast of the Epiphany, I again listened to the Gospel story of the visit of the three wise men at Jesus’ birth. The line that struck me was at the end. The Gospel of Matthew reads: “And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way” (Mt 2:12).

The wise men were warned by the Lord in a dream to go home by using a different route, which both spared the baby Jesus from Herod’s slaughter of innocent children and the kings from his wrath. I had an epiphany upon hearing these words. I wondered how many times God has sent me “another way” throughout my life?

I have to admit, I envy the Bible characters who received direct messages from God via a burning bush, a dream or the glow of a star to follow. It’s not always clear in which direction God is pointing me.

An intuitive dream or bright star would certainly come in handy. But the truth is, I know God speaks to me continually—maybe not in a dramatic dream—but through others in my life, through Scripture messages, and sometimes a thought that seems to be implanted in my brain.

You hear stories of folks averting catastrophe because of a traffic jam, delayed flight or other detour that helps them avoid being in an unforeseen accident, explosion or natural disaster. But I think God redirects us just as often for less dramatic consequences.

I’ve had plenty of times when I have changed course because a small voice inside my head led me elsewhere. Hearing the Scripture about the wise men on Epiphany helped me to see that it was most likely God sending me “another way” for my own protection or simply because he had something different or better in store for me.

Years ago, I applied and interviewed for a corporate position. I was disappointed that I was not offered the position but, not longer after, God pointed me in the direction that led to my 35-plus year career working for the Catholic Church.

Of course, finding another way requires us to be open to and actually follow God’s direction. For just as many times as I have heeded God’s voice in my head, there are probably just as many times that I ignored it.

For instance, it’s very possible that the night I got mugged many years ago, God tried to redirect me, but I failed to listen. I recall thinking I probably shouldn’t be walking out of a store alone at closing time in the pitch black of winter, but I rationalized that I wasn’t parked that far away. Had I allowed God to lead me another way, I would have been spared a great deal of fear and frustration.

I am sure our heavenly Father knows what is best for me. Hopefully, the next time I feel God is leading me another way, I won’t rationalize ignoring his voice.

Whether he leads me in a particular direction for my own protection or to show me something better, it would just be plain silly of me not to listen.

(Kimberly Pohovey is a member of St. Jude Parish in Indianapolis. She is the director of major and planned gifts for the archdiocese.) †

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