January 17, 2025

Our Works of Charity / David Bethuram

Ringing in a new year with the wondrous gifts of joy, hope and love

David Bethuram

As I reflect on welcoming the new year, I’m reminded of the cherished tradition of ringing bells in our Catholic faith.

In our Church, bells create a joyful noise to honor the Lord during Mass. They also serve to announce important messages, commemorate significant events, alert us to safety concerns or simply mark the passage of time.

As we “ring” in 2025, let us reflect: What do we want to celebrate, accomplish and prioritize in the year ahead? What will the bells ring for in your life this year?

At Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, we’re ringing in the New Year with “joy.” We celebrate the dedication of the incredible men and women in our programs and ministries who serve the frail, the poor, the forgotten and the struggling. Their unwavering commitment to acts of charity inspires us, and we honor their many achievements in 2024.

We’re also ringing in the New Year with “hope.” Even in the face of unexpected challenges, we are called to be a source of hope in difficult times. As the hands and heart of Jesus, we look forward with hope as we continue to address the struggles of those in need throughout our archdiocese.

I often think of the opening line of A Tale of Two Cities, a novel by Charles Dickens: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” In our own time and place, we see two communities existing side by side—one experiencing abundance and opportunity, while the other is gripped by persistent poverty.

When we look beyond the surface, we see these “hidden cities” in our midst: families trapped in cycles of hopelessness, burdened by stress that tears them apart. Christ’s message is clear: “Love thy neighbor as thyself” (Mt 22:39; Lv 19:18).

When you support ministries like Catholic Charities or the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, you help us live out that call to love. Together, we serve the most vulnerable among us—those affected by homelessness, unemployment, lack of education and limited resources. Through our collective efforts, we bring Christ’s love to thousands of our neighbors.

Lastly, we’re ringing in the New Year with “love.” Pope Francis reminds us that to love and serve others is to love and serve Christ. He calls us to walk alongside all our neighbors, not just those who look, speak or pray like us. This includes migrants and refugees—men, women and children fleeing war, poverty and persecution. These vulnerable individuals are also children of God, deserving of dignity, compassion and love. As a Church, we answer this call to encounter, accompany and support them on their journey.

The bells of Catholic Charities are ringing loudly in 2025! Let’s ring them far and wide. We invite you to join us in bringing your passion, care and commitment to our mission this year. Together, we can strengthen families and help Indiana’s most vulnerable achieve self-sufficiency.

Thank you for walking this journey of service with us. Here’s to a New Year filled with joy, hope and love!

(David Bethuram is executive director of the archdiocesan Secretariat for Catholic Charities. You can contact him at dbethuram@archindy.org.) †

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