Events Calendar
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The Coming Month - - - General - - - Retreats
The Coming Month
December 20-Jan. 5
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Parish, 23345 Gavin Lane, Lawrenceberg. Bright Lights Drive-Thru Christmas Light Display, Mon.-Sat. 6-10 p.m. and Sun. 6-9 p.m., free. Information: 513-788-1596,
December 29
St. Mary Parish, 529 Clay St., North Vernon. Lessons and Carols, 6 p.m., music and Scripture service telling the story of salvation history, free. Information: 812-346-3604,
January 3, February 7
Women’s Care Center, 4901 W. 86th St., Indianapolis. First Friday Mass, 5 p.m., optional tour of center to follow. Information: 317-829-6800,
Our Lady of the Greenwood Church, 335 S. Meridian St., Greenwood. First Friday bilingual celebration of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mass 6 p.m. followed by adoration until 9 p.m., sacrament of reconciliation available. Information: 317-750-7309,
St. John Paul II Church, 2253 St. Joe Road W., Sellersburg. First Friday Devotion, 11:40 a.m., litany, consecration to the Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by noon Mass. Information: 812-246-2512.
January 3-5
Cincinnati, Ohio (location given upon registration). Retrouvaille Retreat, for those in a struggling marriage. Information, registration: 513-258-8622,,
January 4, February 8
St. John Paul II Church, 2253 St. Joe Road W., Sellersburg. First Saturday Devotion, 8 a.m., rosary, litany, consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, confession 8-8:30 a.m. followed by 8:30 a.m. Mass. Information: 812-246-2512.
January 7, February 7
Virtual Prayer with the Sisters of Providence, 7-7:45 p.m., for single women ages 18-42, prayer and sharing on topic of vulnerability. Information, registration:, 361-500-9505,
January 8, February 5
MCL Cafeteria, 5520 Castleton Corner Lane, Indianapolis. Solo Seniors, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Catholic, educational, charitable and social singles—separated, widowed or divorced—age 50 and older, new members welcome, also call about regular Friday night dinner events. Information: 317-796-8605.
January 8-Feb. 12
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 5692 Central Ave., Indianapolis. Divorce Support and Recovery Group, 6:30 p.m., six consecutive Wednesdays (Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 12), facilitated by Deacon Bob Angelich and divorce coach Leah GiaQuinta, $10 registration fee, space is limited. Information, registration:, 317-257-2266,
January 12, Feb. 9
Marian University, Norman Center Room 222, 3200 Cold Spring Road, Indianapolis. People of Peace OFS Monthly Meeting, 12:30-3 p.m., explore Franciscan spirituality with lay Franciscans, free. Information: 317-762-6259,
January 15-April 30
St. Jude Parish, Guérin Room, 5353 McFarland Road, Indianapolis. Surviving Divorce Program, 6:45-9 p.m., three Wednesdays a month for a total of 12 sessions (Jan. 15, 22, 29, Feb. 12, 19, 26, March 12, 19. 26, April 9, 23, 30), $30, scholarships available. Registration, information: 317-786-4371,
January 8, Feb. 19
Calvary Mausoleum Chapel, 435 W. Troy Ave., Indianapolis. Mass, 2 p.m. Information: 317-784-4439,
January 16, Feb. 20
Our Lady of Peace Cemetery and Mausoleum, 9001 Haverstick Road, Indianapolis. Mass, 2 p.m. Information: 317-574-8898,
January 17
Northside Events and Social Club, 2100 E. 71st St., Indianapolis. Catholic Business Exchange, presenter TBA, rosary 6:35 a.m., Mass 7 a.m., buffet breakfast and program following,$18 members, $24 non-members. Register by 4 p.m. on Jan. 14. Information, registration:
February 14-16
Louisville, Ky. Retrouvaille Retreat, for those in a struggling marriage, location disclosed upon registering. Information, registration: 502-479-3329,,
February 16
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, 1530 Union St., Indianapolis. Indianapolis Symphony Sphinx Series Concert, 2-4 p.m., featuring string quartet of Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians, tour of Sacred Heart Church available after concert, free. Information: 317-902-3006,
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General Announcements
St. Bartholomew Care for Our Common Home Ministry to host presentation on community solar power on Jan. 7
A presentation titled “An Introduction to Community Solar” will take place in the lower-level hall of St. Bartholomew Parish, 1306 27th St., in Columbus, at 7 p.m. on Jan. 7.
The event is sponsored by the St. Bartholomew’s Care for Our Common Home Ministry. It will feature a presentation by Faith in Place policy coordinator Christine Glaser. Faith in Place is the Indiana affiliate of Interfaith Power and Light, an organization of people of diverse faiths dedicated to creating healthy, just and sustainable communities.
Glaser will discuss community solar programs designed to make solar more accessible to all U.S. households, particularly to those with low-to-moderate incomes, renters and other community members for whom traditional
rooftop solar is unavailable.
For more information on this free presentation or about the Care for Our Common Home Ministry, contact Dave Wildemann at or 812-447-4015.
Jason Evert will give double-feature of talks on Theology of the Body at St. Malachy in Brownsburg on Jan. 16
Nationally known Catholic speaker Jason Evert will give two separate talks, “Purified” and “Gender and the Theology of the Body,” at St. Malachy Church, 9833 East County Road 750 N., in Brownsburg, from 6-9:15 p.m. on Jan. 16.
This double-feature event is geared toward teenagers in seventh through 12th grade, and for young adults and parents.
“Purified” brings parents and teens together to discover God’s plan for love and opens up an opportunity for them to continue the discussion about this important topic at home, in a healthy and easy way with resources that work. Evert mixes humor with down-to-earth practicality, making the difficult conversations about love much easier.
After a break, Evert will speak on “Gender and the Theology of Your Body.” Geared for teens and adults, the talk looks at the meaning of sex, gender and the human body. In a society where the truth of masculinity and femininity are being questioned, this talk reveals how one’s body as a man or woman reveals one’s identity and calling.
The event includes adoration, praise and worship, and an opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.
Tickets are $25, with group discounts available. When registering, enter the code EARLYBIRD for a $5 discount.
For more information or to register, go to For information about the venue, contact the St. Malachy parish office at 317-852-3195.
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Retreats and Programs
December 20
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. A Day of Quiet Renewal, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $20, $80 with spiritual direction. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,
December 21
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. Advent Mindfulness Retreat: Cultivating Peace Within, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Franciscan Sister Olga Wittekind presenting, $30, $45 with CEUs. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,,
December 22
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. Coffee Talks—Divine Presence: Mary’s Journey, 10:45 a.m.-noon, Franciscan Sister Olga Wittekind presenting, online option available, freewill donation. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,,
December 27-29
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Guesthouse, 200 Hill Dr., St. Meinrad. Young Adult Retreat, 5 p.m. Fri. (vespers)-1 p.m. Sun. (lunch), for young adults ages 18-39, quiet day of reflection with spiritual direction available, includes overnight accommodations and meals, $50 single room. Registration: 812-357-6501,
January 9
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Day of Silence, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., $45, includes room, lunch, Mass and use of common areas and grounds, overnight stay available for additional $32, dinner additional $11. Registration:, 317-545-7681,
January 10
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. A Day of Quiet Renewal, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $20, $80 with spiritual direction. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,
January 11
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. Grieving into Love, 9:30-11:30 a.m., chaplain and counselor Richard Brendan presenting, $30. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,,
January 17-19
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. TOBIT Marriage Preparation Weekend, 7 p.m. Fri.-11:45 a.m. Sun., $330 per couple, separate rooms, includes meals and materials. Registration:, 317-545-7681,
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center, 8220
W. State Road 48, Bloomington. Silence, Solitude and the Presence of God, 5 p.m. Fri.-10 a.m. Sun., Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate Gabriel M. Cortes facilitating, $241 for single, $302.90 double, $368 triple, $433.12 quadruple, includes four meals and room for two nights, commuters $50.70 includes lunch and dinner on Sat. Information, registration: 812-825-4642, ext. 1,
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Guesthouse, 200 Hill Dr., St. Meinrad. Making “Soma” from “Sarx:” The Transformative Power of the Gospel, Benedictine Father Adrian Burke presenting, $350 single, $550 double. Registration: 812-357-6611,
January 25
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Guesthouse, 200 Hill Dr., St. Meinrad. St. Paul’s Conversion and Ours: An Experience of Metanoia, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. CT, Jane Feliz Rush presenting, includes lunch, $75. Registration: 812-357-6611,
February 7
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. A Day of Quiet Renewal, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $20, $80 with spiritual direction. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,
February 8
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. The Power of the Jesus Touch: Healed, Transformed, Saved, 9:30-11:30 a.m., author Sandra Hartlieb presenting, $30. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,,
February 14-16
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Guesthouse, 200 Hill Dr., St. Meinrad. Benedictine Wisdom for Married Life, Valentine’s Day retreat for married couples, Benedictine Father Simon Herrmann presenting, $550 double. Registration: 812-357-6611,
February 19
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Day of Silence, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., $45, includes room, lunch, Mass and use of common areas and grounds, overnight stay available for additional $32, dinner additional $11. Registration:, 317-545-7681,
February 22
Mystics and Fellowship virtual program, 9-10:30 a.m., sponsored by Sisters of Providence, third of four independent sessions (March 29), register by Feb. 19, $25 per session. Information, registration:, 812-535-2952,
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. Wisdom Knowing and Wisdom Jesus, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., doctor of nursing Kay Jackson presenting, $40. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,,
February 25-27
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Guesthouse, 200 Hill Dr., St. Meinrad. A Contemplative Approach to the Lord’s Prayer, Benedictine Brother Zachary Wilberding presenting, $350 single, $550 double. Registration: 812-357-6611,
February 28
Oldenburg Franciscan Center, 22143 Main St., Oldenburg. A Day of Quiet Renewal, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., $20, $80 with spiritual direction. Information, registration: 812-933-6437,
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