August 11, 2023

My Journey to God


One day in prayer, I saw before me
A massive gate of thick iron bars.
On the other side shone the light of God.
I despaired of the gate ever opening
For I could produce no key.

Then I recalled a museum exhibit
With a door that seemed solid and real.
But it was merely a life-like image
Projected on a streaming curtain of mist,
And I was able to walk right through it.
Perhaps the gate that kept me from God
Was a deception on devil-made vapor?
I closed my eyes, stepped forward in faith—
And passed through the fiend’s illusion
Into my Father’s all-loving embrace.

By Natalie Hoefer

(Natalie Hoefer is a member of St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis and is a reporter for The Criterion.)

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