January 27, 2023

2023 Catholic Schools Week

‘The core of our schools’ existence is the heart of our faith, namely in Jesus Christ’

Dear Friends in Christ,

Archbishop Charles C. ThompsonEach year, we celebrate Catholic Schools Week throughout the United States. It is a special time for the entire Catholic school community—students, families, staff, faculty and administrators—to showcase the best in our Catholic schools. The Archdiocese of Indianapolis, blessed with 67 Catholic schools throughout central and southern Indiana, has great reason to join in the celebration.

The national theme, “Catholic Schools—Faith, Excellence and Service”—touches on three key aspects of what makes our schools so successful and valued. At the core of our schools’ existence is the heart of our faith, namely, in Jesus Christ, our Savior. Thus, the crucifix is displayed prominently throughout our schools, prayer is central to daily life in our schools, Scripture and the catechism are primary components of study, and the celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, is most highly prized in our Catholic schools.

Each baptized member—whether student, parent, faculty and/or staff—is called to holiness and mission. Our witness of discipleship in Jesus Christ, through both word and deed, is rooted in faith. Striving to be our best and bring out the best in one another, with a holistic focus on the well-being of each person, the aspiration of excellence permeates every aspect of what it means to be a Catholic school. Such standards of faith and excellence are most efficacious in our service to others, especially the poor and vulnerable.

The theme of this supplement, “The lasting tradition of Catholic schools: Graduates living the faith and changing the world,” clearly and readily flows from the national focus on faith, excellence and service. Our Catholic schools strive to form and educate disciples of Jesus Christ who embrace the role of faithful citizenship. Worship and service, evangelization and catechesis, contemplation and action, are intricately bound.

Formation and education, according to Catholic teaching, is a lifelong process which involves ongoing conversion. Current students and alumni, embracing their baptismal call, are the greatest ambassadors of our Catholic schools. Called to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ, we are meant to participate in his mission of transforming the world rather than letting the world get the best of us.

We have much to give thanks for and to celebrate during Catholic Schools Week and beyond. Let us be especially grateful for all who make our Catholic schools so impactful in the lives of individuals, families and communities—namely, our students, families, alumni, faculty, staffs, administrators, benefactors and volunteers.

I take this opportunity to express deep appreciation for our pastors, grandparents and parish staffs who provide great support for our Catholic schools. Most importantly, we give thanks and praise to the Holy Trinity—God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

With assurance of my prayers and best wishes for everyone celebrating Catholic Schools Week, I remain

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

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