November 11, 2022

My Journey to God

Today is Yesterday’s Tomorrow

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow,
Make the most of it if you can,
For soon it will be a memory
As the hourglass fills with sand.

Don’t waste yet another moment
Nursing grudges from the past,
Or carry guilt from days gone by
Or walk with eyes downcast.

Forgive, forget, unlock the chains
That wrap around your heart.
For life’s too short, days quickly pass—
Make today a brand new start.

Each day’s a chance to right the wrongs
To make amends, it’s true,
A chance to heal old wounds and hurts
And let love rule in you.

The time is here, the time is now,
For tomorrow may be too late.
Let love and forgiveness be your guide
And cleanse your heart of hate.

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow,
Your chance to start anew,
A chance for you to discover
The miracle of love in you.

By Ron Lewis

(Ron Lewis is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Bloomington and is an oblate of Saint Meinrad Archabbey.)

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