March 25, 2022

My Journey to God

The Agony and the Triumph

In his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane,
Jesus saw me.
As he was taken captive and beaten by the soldiers,
Jesus saw me.
As he was mocked and crowned with thorns,
Jesus saw me.
As he took up his cross and began the walk to Calvary,
Jesus saw me.
As he stumbled and fell to the ground,
Jesus saw me.
When he met his Mother Mary,
Jesus saw me.
As he was stripped of his garments,
Jesus saw me.
As he was nailed to the cross,
Jesus saw me.
As he uttered the words, “Father forgive them,”
Jesus saw me.
As he took his last breath,
Jesus saw me.
Three days later as he rose triumphantly,
Jesus saw me.
When he ascended into Heaven,
Jesus saw me.
His mission on Earth continues through the Church,
Because he loves me!
Through his agony triumph wins,
Because he loves me!

By Sandy Bierly

(Sandy Bierly is a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in New Albany.)

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