October 1, 2021

My Journey to God

Like a Leaf

How tiny are leaves as they bud,
A tightly curled ball of pale green.
So tender and fragile they appear,
Their veins too fine to be seen.
As spring fades into summer,
Larger and stronger do they grow,
Singing in the breeze, providing shade,
Holding fast when storm winds blow.
By fall they’re at their prime,
Each in their own special shade.
Gracefully they fall once they fulfill
The purpose for which they were made.

If only each God-made child
Was allowed to do the same:
To live a full life from conception on,
God knowing them by name.

By Natalie Hoefer

(Natalie Hoefer is a member of St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis and is a writer for The Criterion.)

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