August 20, 2021

Worship and Evangelization Outreach / Ken Ogorek

Invite small group to discuss ‘United in the Eucharist’

Ken OgorekOne factor that can hold folks back from joining a small group at their parish is concern about making a long-term commitment. A timely resource from the archdiocese, its recently launched “United in the Eucharist” initiative, can help address this concern—while encouraging consistent attendance at Mass.

United in the Eucharist

On the webpage, you’ll find six very brief videos with an eye toward helping folks appreciate what a privilege and gift it is to have access to holy Mass each weekend. Along with these 3- to 4-minute witness talks are a few questions for reflection and discussion.

In just three to six sessions, a small group of parishioners could have an opportunity for connecting, learning and sharing. No need to sign up for an indefinite stretch of time; this is an opportunity for saying yes to an experience with a definite expiration date.

Like, Comment, Share

Each of these brief videos is well-suited for sharing on social media. If your parish isn’t already using these resources to encourage a greater desire for the Eucharist and holy Mass, you might suggest that easy action step.

If you make use of social media, you could share these engaging, brief witness talks. The webpage also has Spanish-language resources, and each witness talk can be captioned in a variety of languages by using simple instructions on the webpage.

Prayerful Reflection, Interesting Discussion

Among the discussion questions on the “United in the Eucharist” page are:

“The song Sister quotes says ‘No joy can be complete until at last I sit by your side.’ How does attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist allow you to sit at the side of Jesus in a unique and irreplaceable way?”

Wondering who “Sister” is? Visit the webpage for the answer to this mystery.

Prayerful Gratitude

The webpage includes a brief prayer written for this effort to help inspire a deep desire for the holy Eucharist and attending Sunday Mass consistently. And because discussion questions often lead to additional questions about our faith, links related to various Mass- and Eucharist-related topics are included.

Oftentimes, folks are grateful for the experience of a small group that meets for a small number of sessions initially. Many of these participants express an openness to continuing in a small, faith-related group. Our archdiocesan evangelization office is a great source of guidance for establishing and sustaining a discipleship group ministry at your parish.

So reach out to a small group of friends, neighbors and fellow parishioners, inviting them to plug into a few discussions based on these “United in the Eucharist” resources. This prayer will help your efforts be successful:

Heavenly Father,
You love us and desire our happiness.
You give us the privilege and gift
of worshipping you at Holy Mass;
of experiencing the Holy Spirit
in a unique and irreplaceable way;
of receiving Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.

As we return to the Eucharist with joy
renew in us a deep appreciation
of the privileged opportunity
that each celebration of Mass
presents for us all.

May the seeds of mercy, hope and salvation
take root and flourish in our hearts and communities,
nourished by our Lord Jesus
present to us in the Most Holy Eucharist.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Ken Ogorek is the director of the archdiocesan Office of Catechesis. E-mail him at

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