August 2, 2019

Letters to the Editor

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Reader: Good religion always seeks the edification of both the person and society

There are those who believe that religion facilitates well-being, and others claiming that it leads to neurosis and violence.

Religion means vastly different things to different people. Even the meaning of the word “religion” has changed over the past few decades. The distinction between religion and spirituality is a relatively new one, emerging only in the latter half of the 20th century. It has become increasingly common to hear people say they are “spiritual,” but not “religious.” Religion has commandments; spirituality does not.

Religion is a complex, multi-faceted phenomenon that can influence people in many ways. The word “religion” comes from a Latin word which means “to bind oneself,” and a person freely binds oneself to the way of life given and followed by their faith community. It is from and within this community that a spiritual leadership is identified, and it formalizes and illuminates the shared teachings of the community.

Religion can be a powerful force for good in people’s lives. I don’t take religion lightly. But, just like anything powerful, understanding it as fully as possible—both for better and for worse—is the real fundamental good. Good religion always seeks the edification of both the person and society.

My religion is that of the Catholic Church. The Church is a mystical society because the ultimate explanation of her nature is a strict mystery which transcends the capacity of our minds to comprehend. Above all, the Church is a mystical corporeality because it is supernatural. Not only is the concept itself a strict mystery and its comprehension in any degree requires the infusion of divine grace, but incorporation into the Body of Christ is the fruit of selective munificence by the Son of God.

I love my religion, and my Catholic faith. I love Holy Angels Parish in Indianapolis.

- Kirth N. Roach | Order of Carmelite Discalced Secular, Indianapolis

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