July 14, 2017

Couples may announce engagement of marriage in The Criterion

Engagement announcements for couples who are planning to be married at a Catholic church between Aug. 1, 2017, and Jan. 31, 2018, will be published in a February edition of The Criterion.

Couples who were married at a Catholic church in recent months may announce their marriage if an engagement announcement was not published in The Criterion.

The wedding announcement form is available online at www.criteriononline.com by selecting “Send Us Information” from the menu on the left side of the screen, then choosing “Wedding Announcements.” (Direct link here)

An engagement or wedding photo may be submitted by e-mail to cclark@archindy.org. Digital photos must be clear, high-resolution images with the couple close together. Xeroxed copies of photos will not work.

There is no charge for the engagement or marriage announcements. †

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