April 7, 2017

My Journey to God

Stations of the Cross, Haiku

  1. Pilate condemns Him
    Jesus’ silent voice cries out
    I do it for you
  2. His shoulders laden
    With ancient olive cross beam
    Willingly He goes
  3. Stone under His feet
    Catches tired body collapse
    For your sins and mine
  4. Sad eyes meet in pain
    A mother’s love strengthens Him
    With her sword-pierced heart
  5. Simon kind giant
    His shoulders take up the cross
    Our burden he shares
  6. Woman veiled in love
    Veronica reaches out
    Mirror of His pain
  7. Body beaten down
    He can no longer carry
    Weight of all our sins
  8. In sorrow they come
    Bemoaning His suffering
    Women weep not now
  9. Complete objection
    Dead weight of body crushed down
    Thirsty blood-stained earth
  10. Flesh torn wounds open
    Jesus’ garments stripped from Him
    Mary’s love-gift gone
  11. Pain-seared hands and feet
    Dull thud against wooden cross
    His love nailed for us
  12. Cross and Man nailed up
    Shadow against a dark sky
    Jesus crucified
  13. Death’s revenge complete
    Jesus rests in Mary’s arms
    Weeping mother’s tears
  14. Resting place at last
    Cave tomb safe refuge today
    Son will rise again

By Jean Dettenwanger

(Jean Dettenwanger is a member of Most Sorrowful Mother of God Parish in Vevay. She wrote this poem in Jerusalem on the way to Calvary in 1980.)

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