August 19, 2016

What was in the news on August 19, 1966?

More changes implemented from the Council, and ‘sweeping changes’ predicted for nuns

Criterion logo from the 1960sBy Brandon A. Evans

This week, we continue to examine what was going on in the Church and the world 50 years ago as seen through the pages of The Criterion.

Here are some of the items found in the August 19, 1966, issue of The Criterion:

  • Pope implements 4 more council decrees
    • “VATICAN CITY—The drive to bring the Church up to date gathered new momentum with Pope Paul’s publication of a document implementing four more decrees of Vatican Council II, and introducing a variety of changes in existing laws. Among the most significant changes introduced in the motu proprio Ecclesiae Sanctae are provisions which: invite national episcopal conferences to propose to the Holy See the names of priests to be considered for the office of bishop; recommend voluntary retirement at least by the age of 75 for bishops and priests; grant more dignity to auxiliary bishops; establish the new diocesan office of episcopal vicar to assist the bishop in special fields within his diocese; provide for setting up in each diocese a senate of priests to consult with the bishop, and recommending a pastoral council of priests, religious and laity to assist in bettering the religious life of the whole diocese; call for full and juridical establishment of national episcopal conferences; create a new 24-man commission to assist the Church’s missionary Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith so as to better meet needs in the mission fields.”
  • Work to end racial tension in Chicago
  • Hierarchy of Peru asks diaconate
  • Chancery makes more clergy shifts
  • Rome paper notes Beatle’s apology
  • Cultural Center? Senator Bayh visits West Baden property
  • Archabbot Gabriel’s installation set at St. Meinrad August 24th
  • Alcoholism: The family must tell him the truth
  • Hoosier missionary named to commissions
  • ‘Sweeping changes’ predicted for nuns
      • “ST. LOUIS—Convents without walls where Sisters live but leave to serve in a variety of institutions and situations were predicted here by Sister Aloysius Schaldenbrand, who regards herself as one of the ‘new breed’ of nuns. … ‘Sweeping changes in the rules and practices of religious orders are on the way,’ Sister Aloysius said. ‘Old restrictive rules are tumbling as the store of energy within the convents burst its bounds, and nothing will stop that process now.’ ”
  • National councils of men, women set parley delegation
  • Alverna is given new director, retreat master
  • 17 Indianapolis youths: Take ‘camping tour’ of Europe
  • National K of C adopts new plan for social action
  • Annual polo benefit slated by Ladywood
  • U.S. hierarchy thanked for aid
  • Fr. Haering asks anti-abortion laws
  • New experimental seminary slated for Dutch diocese
  • Chapel at Shrine to be consecrated
  • Talent contest set Sunday at Garfield Park
  • Notre Dame will host CSMC convention
  • Changes still possible in Mass, Communion
  • Says anti-poverty war strengthens Christians
  • Recalls 1946 event: Unity quest cost him his pulpit
  • Priests urged to join ministerial groups
  • Goes back 75 years: Navilleton picnic is August 21
  • Hibernians set Irish Day Picnic
  • Jesuit to set up new media office
  • Six St. Mary’s girls to enter Oldenburg
  • Woods holds vows, clothing rites
  • Bishop redesigns seminary program

(Read all of these stories from our August 19, 1966, issue by logging on to our special archives.)

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