November 27, 2015

My Journey to God

Thank You Lord

When the glass appears to be half-empty rather than half-full,
Lord, I thank you that you have given me the glass.

When I have a difficult and stressful day at work,
Lord, I thank you that you have given me a job.

When I am pushed beyond my limits and have no patience at home,
Lord, I thank you for blessing me with a family of my own.

When the bills stack up and there is debt that I cannot repay,
Lord, I thank you for reminding me that it all belongs to you anyway.

When I am lost and overcome with fear and anxiety,
Lord, I thank you for already making a safe path home for me.

When I feel so small and fail to recognize that I can never earn your love,
Lord, I thank you that you have already freely given to me your unconditional love.

When the road is dark and the future appears to provide no comfort,
Lord, I thank you that this life is temporary, and that the best is yet to come.

When I have chosen myself over others and I have turned my back on you,
Lord, I thank you for taking away my sins even before I loved you.

And when I can no longer take another step on my journey,
Lord, I thank you that my journey will be complete, arriving safely in your arms!


By Greg Hublar

(Greg Hublar is a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in New Albany.)

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