July 18, 2014

My Journey to God


The abrupt sound of the alarm begins another day
tea cup in hand
I sit in my favorite chair
my home quiet and still.

Under the dim light
reading Scripture
asking God what does he want of me today
thanking him for his abundant blessings.

Reading, conversing
listening, waiting
mind wandering and dwelling on the never-ending tasks I have
before me this day.

The hour spent alone with God this morning is over.
The chimes on the clock ring so
I must leave this secure, peaceful place
and emerge into the day God has planned for me
knowing it is his gift to me.

Feeling his presence is with me
until again the abrupt sound of the alarm
begins another day.

By Julia Beckham

(Julia Beckham is a member of St. Barnabas Parish in Indianapolis.)

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