May 16, 2008

Meet our future deacons

Kerry BlandfordKerry Blandford

Who are the important role models in your life of faith?

It’s been said that we should live our lives well in that we may be the only Bible some people have. I guess I have been blessed with many Bibles. My wife and children, people with whom I’ve worked, and fellow parishioners all surround me with examples of faith every day.

What are your favorite Scripture verses, prayers and devotions?

I have always been fond of John 1:1-5, 14. It really says all that needs to be said. I also have a great appreciation for the Litany of Mary of Nazareth as published by the folks at Pax Christi. It reminds us that Mary is the mother of all, especially the marginalized. Devotions to various saints come to mind, especially St. Peter. Fallible, not always understanding, but he keeps trying to do God’s will.

Deacons often minister to others in the workplace. How have you experienced that, and how do you anticipate doing that in the future?

I have spent most of my adult life working for the Church in various roles and settings. Active ministry is really what my work place is all about. It continues to be a blessing.

Why do you feel that God is calling you to become a deacon?

When I look back over my life, it seems that this is where things have been leading. It is as if the various threads of my life experiences are being woven together to answer God’s call to the diaconate. I have been put here to serve and to bring others to Christ.

How will being ordained a deacon have an impact on your life and family?

Ordination will bring new responsibilities and challenges. Life will continue to be busy, and we’ll need to work on keeping things in balance. Throughout the formation process, [my wife] Becky and our children have been very supportive. Becky is very actively involved in music ministry. Our children have also been involved in music ministry, as altar severs and in other activities. So ministry and parish involvement have long been a part of our family’s life. †


(Go to the Deacon formation homepage)

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