March 8, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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Article beautifully captured essence of Father Mark Weaver, subscriber says

I’d like to say “thank you” for the wonderful obituary about the passing of Conventual Franciscan Father Mark Weaver written by Natalie Hoefer in the March 1 issue of The Criterion. I have been with the Hispanic choir at St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish in New Albany for a dozen or more years, and knew Father Mark for the entire time he was there. The article captured his essence perfectly.

The parish’s music director Ryan Ward told me I needed to be at the English-speaking Mass on Feb. 11. Looking back, I’m sure that Deacon Martin Ignacio already knew that Father Mark would not return as pastor, but I am not the only person who was stunned to hear Father Mark’s goodbye homily that day, which still brings me to tears.

Truthfully, I haven’t been tear-free since then, though that does not in any way dilute or deny our faith that he passed from this life into the arms of Jesus.

He was a good example to all who met him—a gentle but firm man whose sole purpose in life was to be Christ to everyone he encountered.

Thank you for the blessing of your words which are a beautiful remembrance of Father Mark.

- Leslie Lynch | Lanesville


Praise for the winner of the Saint Theodora Excellence in Education Award winner

Please pass on our compliments to John Shaughnessy on the wonderful article he wrote about Roncalli High School art teacher Mark Stratton, this year’s winner of the archdiocese’s Saint Theodora Excellence in Education Award.

My wife taught many years with Mark, and I’ve known him and his family as well.

Mark is a wonderful man, and Mr. Shaughnessy is an extraordinary writer.

- John and Mary Jaffe | Indianapolis

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